Selection process

The application deadline is closed and we are currently in the process of selecting the participants.

Candidates will be notified of the results by email before end of April.




As mechanics appears more and more as an integral dimension of living systems, mechanobiology is a fast-growing field requiring the constant development of concepts and experimental methods.
This summer school aims to give an overview of the current challenges in mechanobiology. The program will be composed of conceptual courses (mornings) by experts of the field and practical workshops (afternoons) presenting cutting-edge experimental methods dedicated to measuring forces and mechanical properties on a variety of biological systems, from bacteria to animal tissues.


This summer school is open to PhD students or post-doctoral fellows in the fields of biology or biophysics, who intend to integrate mechanobiology methods/concepts in their research. A maximum of 20 participants will be selected.


Conceptual courses 

Sham Tlili (CENTURI) Mechanics of embryo morphogenesis and organoids self-organization

Alexandre Kabla (University of Cambridge) Models in tissue mechanics

Caterina Tomba (INL) Epithelium mechanics in controlled microenvironments

Nicolas Desprat (LPENS) Micro-mechanobiology

Cécile Leduc (IJM) Mechanics of cytoskeletal filaments

Nicolas Borghi (IJM) Mechanotransduction at the molecular scale


Practical workshops (organizers)

Léa-Laetitia Pontani (LJP, IBPS) Adhesion of biomimetic emulsions

Jonathan Fouchard (LBD, IBPS) Rheological measurements and nano-indentation on 3D tissues

Nicolas Biais (LJP, IBPS) Adhesion and traction forces of bacterial colonies

Marie Breau (LBD, IBPS) Laser ablation in zebrafish embryos

Mathieu Hautefeuille (LBD, IBPS) Microfluidics to apply shear stresses on endothelial cells



The courses and practicals will take place on the campus of Sorbonne University, at the Institut de Biologie Paris Seine (IBPS):

IBPS, Sorbonne University
Campus Pierre et Marie Curie
7-9 quai Saint Bernard
75005 Paris, France


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